76. Auktion - LosNr.: 723

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Katastrophenpost - Crashcover - Recovered Mail

Katastrophenpost - Crashcovers


1966.11.15a. PAN AM | Essen > Berlin
1966-11-15: Dallgow, East Germany. Aircraft: Boeing 727-21 (N-317PA) “Clipper München” Pan American World Airways. Route: Frankfurt – Berlin, West Germany. Pilots: W. Reavis & R. Foppe. This was a cargo flight from Frankfurt to Berlin. Radio communications ceased at 2:42 a.m. when the plane was thirteen kilometers from West Berlin’s Tegel airport. The weather was very bad with poor visibility and snow. The East German Government confirmed that the plane crashed near Dallgow. The three pilots were killed. Of the 250,000 letters carried, only 250 were turned over to the West Berlin Post Office, which delivered them to the addressees, in very soiled and muddy condition. Hier: Drucksachen-Flugpostbrief (mit Inhalt!) ab Essen nach Berlin mit Begleitzettel der Rückbriefstelle der Landespostdirektion Berlin und entsprechendem Versandumschlag ab Berlin 28.11.1966 mit Z3 rot. Bewertung F = 351 - 500 $; RR!

Ausruf: 180 €
162 € (Nachverkauf)

LosNr. 723 - Bild Nr. 1
LosNr. 723 - Bild Nr. 1

LosNr. 723 - Bild Nr. 2
LosNr. 723 - Bild Nr. 2

LosNr. 723 - Bild Nr. 3
LosNr. 723 - Bild Nr. 3

LosNr. 723 - Bild Nr. 4
LosNr. 723 - Bild Nr. 4

Ausruf: 180 €
162 € (Nachverkauf)

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