76. Auktion - LosNr.: 674

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Katastrophenpost - Crashcover - Recovered Mail

Katastrophenpost - Crashcovers


1932.07.27 C.G.A. Chile
1932-02-27: Aircraft: Latécoère 28 (F- AJOX) Compagnie Générale Aéropostale (C.G.A.) Route: Santiago, Chile – Buenos Aires, Argentina – Montevideo, Uruguay – Recife – Natal, Brazil – Dakar, Senegal – Casablanca, Morocco –Alicante, Spain – Toulouse – Paris, France. Pilot: Pierre Barbier, Victor Hamm & radio navigator Georges Gourbeyre. While flying along the Brazilian coast, off Guarapari, the crew encountered poor weather conditions with thunderstorm activity, heavy rain fall and turbulence. The aircraft crashed into the sea and its debris and all three dead bodies were found on a beach of Sarita located in Setiba four days later, on March 2. The postal bags were recovered on the beach. Flugpostbrief Santiago de Chile > Paris mit Z3 "Accident d´Avion Correspondances resucillies en mer NE PAS TAXER". Kat. F = 351 - 500 $

Ausruf: 150 €
135 € (Nachverkauf)

LosNr. 674 - Bild Nr. 1
LosNr. 674 - Bild Nr. 1

LosNr. 674 - Bild Nr. 2
LosNr. 674 - Bild Nr. 2

Ausruf: 150 €
135 € (Nachverkauf)

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